UBEC Liquidity Pools

General UBEC Liquidity Pool

Pool ID: 134c31dabbf4f8608b4ba5915bc6ea43808af07cf4b1fda2d13a935e48e8a3ee Updated: 22.12.2024 05:14:15 -UTC
AQUA AQUA aqua.network Amount: 235,077.2469618
UBEC Ubuntu EcoCoin ubec.network Amount: 21,290,072.1763874
Pool ID: 3d2ff60f39cc2476e6b7a852ca2496a4aec153e4a5b1b895185620399c53f9bc Updated: 22.12.2024 02:12:27 -UTC
SOLS Sols-Bank solsbank.com Amount: 12,436,763.0848503
UBEC Ubuntu EcoCoin ubec.network Amount: 11,551,123.8668004
Pool ID: a2f080002e3a2e63dcfbfc4aa556af8de4a549c7ec67855064b08238b9257969 Updated: 22.12.2024 05:14:15 -UTC
XLM Lumen stellar.org Amount: 432.8074723
UBEC Ubuntu EcoCoin ubec.network Amount: 12,804,924.7432273

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