
Project Fact Sheet
Project Name: Go Agro Kabale
Project Description: Go Agro Kabale
Project details last updated: 2023-11-08

Project Sponsor: Go Agro Kabale - Uganda
Number of participating housholds: 120
Average number of persons per houshold: 6
Employment to population ratio: 53%
Average annual household income: 7300000 UGX
Average annual houshold income from agriculture activities: 6000000 UGX
Annual income from Go Agro Kabale projects activities: 720000000 UGX
Mode of land ownership or tenure: Community Land
Project Type: Community-Supported Agriculture
Area Covered: 1,420,156 m²
Centroid Coordinate: -1.2560/30.0196
Bounding Box Coordinates: 30.005610923321,-1.26247457325,30.031127565960,-1.247028988803
Soil Type: Loamy Soil
Soil Texture:
Soil pH: 6
Soil NO3-/NH4+: 3:1
Soil PO3-/PO43-: 1:1
Soil K+: 60 ppm
Soil SOC: 2%
Soil Mg2+: 120 ppm
Applied Organic Manure per year (kg): 3000
Bean seed production per year (kg): 12000
Pea seed production per year (kg): 8000
Maize seed production per year (kg): 20000
Irish potato production per year (kg): 8000
Sweet potato production per year (kg): 7000
Sorghum production per year (kg): 6000
Millet production per year (kg): 8000
Cassava production per year (kg): 12000
Cabbage production per year (kg): 8000
Cornflower production per year (kg): 10000
Spinach production per year (kg): 15000
Project Location Overview

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